Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Live Imperfectly

About a week ago I pulled a card out from one of my favorite creativity authors, SARK, it said, "Love Imperfectly."  This advice arrived at a time when I was quite frustrated with my significant other.  I'm sure most of you can relate to being frustrated with your significant other at one time or another.  This time it had to do with us having different perceptions on heating the house with wood (only wood).  I don't need to elaborate for you to understand that we both felt like we were giving it our all and we each struggled to understand the other's perspective.

The advice on the back of the card is - "Make Lots of Mistakes."  "Be Willing to Live Between Right & Wrong."

Fast Forward a week.  I'm teaching yoga.  The only way I can teach is Imperfectly.  So that is what I do.  I Make Lots of Mistakes.  The challenge is being okay with the mistakes, moving forward anyway, and learning from myself and others as we move forward together.

My challenge to each of you is to Live Imperfectly.  Make Lots of Mistakes.  This is how we learn.  We try things.  We try other things.  We try again.  We stumble.  We say the wrong thing.  We fall.  Somewhere along the way we learn that living imperfectly is the perfectly imperfect way to live. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In class, on January 1st, I set an intention for the year that I would introduce a new asana each week in 2011.  In my next class, later that week, I introduced Visvamitrasana.  The class quickly reeled me in with the suggestion that perhaps we should allow a month for each new asana. I agreed with this spectacular idea.  This will give us more time to really explore some of the more advanced asanas and experiment with different ways to build up to them.

I've offered the pose to 3 classes this month and hadn't been able to complete the full expression of the asana myself, until yesterday.  I took a 90 minute hip opener class and realized towards the end that there was a good chance my hips & thighs were open enough for the pose.  They were, on one side.  What fun!

I also had a major 'aha' with regard to the role of the Inner & Outer Sprirals, which I will address in an upcoming blog.  For now, here are a couple prep asanas to get you moving towards Visvamitrasana:

Utthita Parsvakonasana ~ Extended Side Angle Pose

Vasisthasana ~ Side Plank Pose  ~

Wide Leg Forward Bend

Fire Log

Janu Sirsasana ~ Head to Knee Forward Bend ~

More on Visvamitrasana soon!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!

The New Year brings the opportunity for New Year's Resolutions.  Some people love them, others hate them.  If the New Year inspires you with the idea of a fresh start, tweaking old habits, or creating new ones read on. 

The definition according to Webster for Resolution:  the quality of being resolute (firmly determined in purpose).

I like Webster's definition for Intention:  a determination to act in a certain way. 

One of the many reasons I love yoga is that the act of practicing yoga teaches me how to live my life with intention.  It causes me to ask, "why?"  To find the good in sometimes ugly situations.  To remember to breathe.  To not take myself to seriously.  To be courageous and steadfast in living the life I desire.  To love myself.  To try to offer my most authentic self to the world.

Only you know what you want.  You have the power, your own power to chooose what you want.  Once you know what you want you can resolve to act with intention to create what you want or desire.    Your skeptical side may wonder, "how?" 

If there is a big enough "why" you will remain steady in your discipline or intention as you move towards what you want or desire.   

"Act and unforseen forces will come to your aid." - Brian Tracy 

The following is taken from the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. 

1.  Set Your Goal.

2.  Create a Clear Idea or Picture.  "Think of it in the present tense as already existing the way you want it to be.  Imagine yourself in the situation as you desire it, now."
For example,
  • I own a 2007 Red Ford Taurus.
  • I run 3 miles (30 minutes) 3 times/week.
  • I am free from pain in my right hip.
  • I bake bread once a week.
  • I jump on a trampoline for 15 minutes once a week.
  • My business generates $x amount/month or year.
  • I took a two week vacation to Slovenia with my partner.
  • I drink two 32 oz bottles of water a day.
3.  Focus On it Often.  "Focus on it clearly, yet in a light, relaxed way." By connecting to your intention/goal often you will give it energy to manifest and you will also be aware of when you achieve the goal or no longer desire to do so.

4.  Give it Positive Energy.  "Make strong positive statements to yourself that it exists."  Write it down.  Tell someone you trust your intention.  Tell everyone if you want.  Draw it.  Cut out images that support your intention/desire and put them on your fridge.  Meditate on your desire.

Above all know that you have the power to create what you want in your life.  Believe in yourself.  Trust yourself.  Here is to our best year yet - Happy 2011.