Visvamitrasana |
In class, on January 1st, I set an intention for the year that I would introduce a new asana each week in 2011. In my next class, later that week, I introduced Visvamitrasana. The class quickly reeled me in with the suggestion that perhaps we should allow a month for each new asana. I agreed with this spectacular idea. This will give us more time to really explore some of the more advanced asanas and experiment with different ways to build up to them.
I've offered the pose to 3 classes this month and hadn't been able to complete the full expression of the asana myself, until yesterday. I took a 90 minute hip opener class and realized towards the end that there was a good chance my hips & thighs were open enough for the pose. They were, on one side. What fun!
I also had a major 'aha' with regard to the role of the Inner & Outer Sprirals, which I will address in an upcoming blog. For now, here are a couple prep asanas to get you moving towards Visvamitrasana:
Utthita Parsvakonasana ~ Extended Side Angle Pose
Wide Leg Forward Bend
Fire Log
More on Visvamitrasana soon!
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