Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inner & Outer Spirals in Visvamitrasana

We learned a lot this past month in Visvamitrasana. Open hips, hamstrings, and side body can make it easier to come into the full expression of this challenging asana. One of my biggest 'aha' moments was in regards to the Inner & Outer Spirals of the legs.  For those of you that would like to incorporate Visvamitrasana into your home practice - read on.

Detailed instructions on creating Visvamitrasana with your body:

Bring your feet to Side Angle Pose, Parsvakonasana, (heel of the front foot intersects the arch on the back foot - front knee bent). Pause. Hug both shins into the midline and draw energy from the earth up thru your legs and into your pelvis and back down again.

Exhale & bring your front arm underneath your front thigh (as if you were going for the bind) and place your hand on the outside of your front foot - pinky toe side. Press into your finger pads & the mounds of your fingers. Breathe into your back body. Fill the space between your shoulders and your back waistline. Lift your front foot a couple of inches off of your mat and place it in your front hand.

Now - Inner & Outer Spiral!  Push your inner thighs towards the wall behind you - open your groins and extend the foot that your front hand is holding.  Go big!!   Open your pelvic floor to the space behind you - this will enable you to extend your front leg (the foot that is in your hand).  Next - create a boundry by strongly outer spiraling your front sitbone. This will bring the front of your body forward and allow your chest to open and your heart to shine forward.  Beautiful!!!

If you didn't reach the full expression today - keep practicing & exploring the inner & outer spirals in your legs.  Most importantly - Have Fun and remember that this is a challenging asana.

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