Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting creative with Golf & Yoga

I'm just getting started with the game of Golf. The first time I played, in High School, I got in trouble for walking around the golf course without my shoes. 18 holes was a long time and the perfectly manicured grass felt so soft on my toes ~ especially on the green. I know, you long time golfers are wincing as you read. The good news is, the Moab Golf Course is forgiving of flip flops, t-shirts, and short skirts.

I really shouldn't be writing a piece about golf because I can still count on my fingers how many times I've golfed. The few times I have been out in the past couple of years I've applied the Anusara Universal Principles of Alignment - with some success. Anyone curious about how to simplify the game of golf by using your yoga practice read on. . .

  1. Open to Grace: Soften. Relax. Set your foundation with intention. Don't worry about hitting the ball perfectly. Line yourself up well and then RELAX - a.k.a. breathe

  2. Muscular Energy: From your foundation draw muscular energy up into the core of your pelvis by hugging your muscles to the bone.

  3. Inner Spiral: Move your inner thighs back (stick your butt out). If nothing else, the folks you're golfing with will be entertained.

  4. Outer Spiral: Scoop your tailbone into the space you created with Inner Spiral.

  5. Organic Energy: Take a breath. With your swing ~ exhale and let your club connect with the ball.

Have Fun!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Food Inspiration

This is my favorite blog:

I love the photos. The recipes get me fired-up to eat well. I bought her book this winter ~ Super Natural Cooking. It is changing the way I eat.

For instance, I consumed my first brussel sprout about a month ago and now I can't get enough of them. I've started using Agave as a sweetner ~ I became a fan at first bite. Anyway, I just thought I would share this gem of a blog with all of you. Enjoy!