Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meet Nova Loverro Sprick

Why would you want to do a workshop with Nova Loverro?  
To start, Nova has loads of experience teaching yoga.  She has been studying and teaching yoga since 1999.   The studying doesn't stop.  Nova continues to deepen her understanding and offering of yoga by being a student herself.  

In recent years, Nova has faced serious illness and through her dedicated practice appears healthier than ever.  She has also brought yoga to those with great illness.  I've observed Nova's ability to teach to varying levels of students.  The workshop is not just for an advanced practitioner.  All levels of students can participate and be inspired!  

Nova's current offerings include a blend of the Universal Principles of Alignment, rooted in Anusara, and Tantric Philosophy, strongly influenced by ParaYoga.
Please join us for the upcoming Yoga Workshop with Nova Loverro at Moab Yoga.  Details on the workshop and individual sessions can be found on our website:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Non-Mandatory Slow Down: Good Stuff

I’ve been go-go-going for several months.  There was definitely some good in that going but a lot of it felt anxious and like I was running a race that didn’t have a finish line.  The cool thing about life, and the body, is that it really won’t allow you to do that indefinitely. 

I have been experiencing a mandatory body slow down in the form of a summer flu.  I have been experiencing it over the last two weeks and even though I don’t feel great some really great things are coming out of it.  In an act of resisting the slow down – I cleaned the house, got rid of a bunch of things I don’t want to wear anymore, I’ve made dinner, and I’ve written cards to my good friends. Oh, and I've done a bunch of reading!  I also went thru a box of old photos and found lots of fun memories of a friend that recently passed. 

Somehow, even though I’m sick, I’ve re-connected with myself.  My creative self.  My inspired self.  My self that realizes I don’t have to be doing quite so much.  I don’t wish being sick on anyone.  But what I do recommend is a mandatory or non-mandatory slow down.  It is good for the self. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting to know you

The more I practice the more I hear this song in my head.  The voice in my head singing it is bold and  goofy.  It reminds me not to take myself too seriously as I get to know myself both on and off the yoga mat. 

Awareness is my current obsession .  I'm obsessed with using my body as a tool to feel better and I'm trying to practice using the same awareness with my mind.  The mind, as you might expect, is proving to be a bit more stubborn than the body.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Creatures of Habit

The energy of Spring is a good time to shake up our routines and either start new habits that support our greater goals or release habits that are no longer serving us.

As you can imagine, corporations are willing to spend a lot of money to understand consumer habits in an effort to increase their bottom line.  I recently read a NY Times article that outlined some of the research Target Corporation has paid to have done in an effort to understand the habits of women in their first trimester. 

What they learned is that once our brain recognizes a pattern or habit it remembers it in a way that the next time you do it you use significantly less brain power.  What this means to me is that we check out - we are less connected to ourselves - less yoked between mind and body.

In our practice of yoga - by yoking mind and body we can practice awareness and making choices that support our bigger vision and goals for ourselves.  We can begin to recognize habits and find the source of the reward that has programmed the habit.  If we can 'check in' and understand the motivation driving the habit we can use our mind to re-pattern the habit into something that supports our greater goals.

If you would like to read the article you can find it here:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Construction Update

As we found it. . . check out the carpet and all those fans!
View out the front window.

View out the front window at night.

Carpet removed.  New lights installed.  Walls sanded and prepped for paint.

I'm hoping all the labor Aron has put into creating this space will inspire him to use it once it is complete.

Jay working on shelves for the things people bring to their practice that aren't needed for the practice (shoes and more).

Joaquin spraying the first coat of paint on the ceiling.  Four coats later these colors are a distant memory.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Opening Soon! MOAB YOGA

Exciting News!!!  Moab Yoga is going to have an official home.  We're opening a yoga studio in Moab, Utah, in the heart of downtown, at 37 E. Center St.  We just started the transformation process.  I'll post some before pictures soon. . .followed by some after pictures because we plan to open 
March 1st, 2012.